carry weight


carry weight 的定义

  1. Also, carry authority or conviction. Exert influence, authority, or persuasion, as in No matter what the President says, his words always carry weight. Shakespeare combined two of these expressions in Henry VIII: “Words cannot carry authority so weighty.” [c. 1600]

carry weight 近义词

v. 动词 verb

have influence

更多carry weight例句

  1. A lot of people ring in the New Year with vows to lose weight and exercise.
  2. You just travel light with carry-on luggage, go to cities that you love, and get to hang out with all your friends.
  3. The various members met for the first time when they traveled to Gambia at the beginning of December to carry out their plan.
  4. In one of the activities men practiced putting the dolls gingerly on their backs to carry them.
  5. They had rarely seen their own fathers carry small children unless their mothers were ill.
  6. Of course, considerations of weight have to be taken into account, but the more mould round the roots the better.
  7. Results are in terms of bulk of precipitate, which must not be confused with percentage by weight.
  8. The weight percentage can be found by referring to Purdy's tables, given later.
  9. The occasion should be seized also to increase the balances of depositors who carry unprofitable accounts.
  10. They will carry out the dictum of Carlyle that the modern university is a university of books.